Saturday, July 25, 2015

Vesharr and your BIG Adventure!

This is part of the Pulshie Achievement!  Needless to say, ya don't have to have it at 25 to work.. But with my method, 20+ is always best!

First Pet:  Nexus Whelping.  If you follow ANY of my methods then you should have one of these at 25 by now!  I love this thing.  Go ahead and get your Mana Surge and then Arcane Storm combo started.  Naturally apply the weather THEN the Surge.  This should have no issue killing the first pet and starting the second.

For second opponent, Use the whelp till it dies and then your Ooze (any ooze will work, you just want absorb and expunge!).  For this one you'll kill as normal till you get the vines.  When the vines are started switch THEN to your elekk!  Let it take the heavy blow since it has no real attacks.

For the last Opponent, Kill as normal but hit as hard as possible. 

These could be tricky, especially without a 3rd pet to attack so don't get discouraged if it takes a second try.

Naturally, if your not doing the elekk part, just use any magic pet or use a elemental for the second opponent (As I showed above!).  That's all!


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