Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mini Gruuls, kick their rumps!

First Method:

Take A flayer youngling, start with Kick and then Shield.  From this point on Blitz till BOTH are reset.  Just rinse and repeat till your pet or the first opponent dies.

-If you die first, just kill with second pet.

-If he dies first, use blitz first followed by shield.  Then Kick/blitz till dead.  It shouldn't take long though.

Second Pet was a restless shading, but really any undead will work for 2nd and 3rd (I prefer my Whelping though!).  Just attempt to dodge/block Haymaker which covers on your 2nd, 6th, and so forth rounds with the Gromli.

Alternate method:

I found Roaches are GREAT subs.  Especially with long fights.  All you need is a 20+ roach with Apocalypse.  Use him and the ability first, switch to the flayer and continue as normal.

This gives you EXP for the fight, plus it means that Gromli is all but assurably taken out.  My comet hit about 2 rounds into Gromli, so it was close but it worked out!

I still suggest the first method, but this one WAS faster and will be easier for anyone lacking a few pets.


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