Saturday, May 2, 2015

Stitches Jr wants to play!

Alright, for me this is straight forward:  Any 20+ roach will ensure victory!

Sound wrong?  Its really not.  Roaches have this amazing Ability to 1 shot after so many rounds.  So heres the Boom.  All ya have to do is keep your roach alive.  But be warned!  His filler attack involves AoE damage.  But another kicker:  If you cant hit for MORE then 500 per hit, it will get ignored.  Most pets CANT hit that hard 90% of the time so I don't highly suggest trying that.

So here ya go!

First, get your roach and start with your Apocalypse.  Then, to ensure your roach lives, switch.

Now for pet 2 and 3, take your pick!  Things like Grass hoppers (who can heal and wrap up), Skunks (Can use straight heals and AoE heals), or Robots (Self Heal plus revives) work best!  Personally I suggest using the formers for 2 and then 3 just to hold out for last few rounds.

One thing to watch:  Your Apocalypse WILL kill all but a roach.  So you might want to switch your roach in for that hit, especially if your 3rd pet still have 500+ health left.

Last round, He 'revives' for one last go and then dies.  Just survive this attack and BOOM.  Ya won.

Keep in mind this method will take you about 17 rounds since Apocalypse takes 15 rounds to end it all.  But it is full proof win.  Its all about you surviving.

So... Lets let my Zombie Hunting love go and bring in the smart thing to do when faced with a Nemesis Enemy:  You find a hole, you hide, you survive, till it dies.

Happy hunting!


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