Saturday, May 9, 2015

Casper Reference Team!

Ya know, the three uncles?  Bah, nevermind...

For this method I started with a Lil XT.  You can get a look alike with similar abilities from the shop, or any Mechanical with heavy AoE damage will work.  Your main goal is to weaken the backline.  (Pocket Reaver from TK will also work with Quake! Or Stone Grinder perhaps if you make GOOD use of Thunderbolt.)

For XT:  Start with Heartbroken and then AoE it down.  Once that's done just zap till ya die. 

~For me the Lil XT is about to kill or JUST ABOUT kill this first two.  Its why I suggest him over the other pets you can find.  But it also helps stress that amazing AoE damage.  As Magical pets you cant over power, hitting for more then 40% and it'll be negated.  But if you take raw power and split it 3 ways then you have a amazing counter!

My second pet is MUCH easier to get:  Lofty Libram or any magic pet can work really.  You mainly want the counter passive of a magic for when the last one has you cursed and crits.

Personally I switch to my 3rd pet after he curses me, but I use a leveling pet.  I suggest a 20+ so you'll have no trouble taking the hit and then switching back to your magical to finish it all off.

With hat my 20+s only get somewhere in the 60ish range of exp but I really don't need a 3rd pet and just take what I can get.

I hope this helps someone who struggling on this fight, Happy Hunting!


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