Saturday, May 30, 2015

Oh shit, BOARS!

Now enter thing the Challenge Post... Brutus and Rukus!  The Boars that eat everything! 

My poor Herb Garden...

The Strat for this one though is actually going to seem insane.  But Fire with Fire!

First, a Hatchling (any color) from Panda Lands.  Main thing you need:  Call Lightning (so in truth, anything with this spell works!)

So, start off with your Call Lightning.  The slow pain begins!  Switch him out now.

Next, pull out your pretty little Wasp-like pet.. I hate bees.  Any flyer with a multi hitting attack (such as Slicing Wind, and TWO poisons that can be used at once will work.  I honestly just suggest a Glow Wing.  You can get a Shrine Fly from the same area as the Hatchling though if your lacking!) 

Now your going to apply your longest poison first (In my case, the middle) and then the shorter.  Keep these applied and Slice him down to size.  If your Call Lightning is going to fall away too soon (in other words it will take MORE then 1 more round to kill the first boar without it) then switch your Hatchling back in to reapply.

Now, if you haven't noticed your main thing is to make EVERY attack a double.  So even if slicing wind jips you and only hits once, your still hitting 6 times thanks to your poisons and the storm.  So keep it up!

Once first boars down start reapplying your poisons (If Lightning is down at this point but your fly is at low health... Im going to say trust your judgement on this for whats better to get up first.  Either way you want to have Lightning up before your 3rd pet comes into play.)

NOW!  The Fun part.  Your Cog Raptor (can be found in Blades Edge) or any pet with mechanical a 2-3 hit spell (like batter) to clobber down the last Boar.

Needless to say Just Batter it to death. 

On the odd chance your Raptor dies, your hatchling should still live and be able to beat him down the last bit.  More then likely, your Raptor barely touches him and hes dead!

And that my bit.  Time to go repair the Herb garden those Bastards destroyed..


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