Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tanann Jungle: My Thoughts and Suggestions!

Call this a Survival Guide.


Im willing to bet those who have been there already:  You took your mains didn’t ya?  Those ilvl 650+ mains, right?  Well you might think:  Hey, this aint too bad.


Now.  Your alts are gonna feel it.


First off:  You can buy the 650+ gear here.  That alone should tell you it’ll be hard.

Well allow me to give a visual to anyone who hasn’t been yet or who is about to take that-there new 100 with a ilvl 600 (at best thanks to heirlooms). 

Think Timeless Isle.  But focus on the idea of the fiery cows-ya know the ones.. The chargers, the spinners, the Your-At-10%-Health-At-One-Hit guys?  Now imagine them before you had Siege LFR gear.  THAT is the normal mob. 


Some of you might of realized already though.  Pulling more than one or two without a half decent amount of dps is gonna hurt-maybe kill. 


But that aint the worse!  It’s the ‘elites.’


Me?  My first go in was a Disc priest running with Nav-a frost DK.  Were both 670ish in ilvl.  He pulls big, I heal.  So first few mobs, wasn’t so bad.  In fact, we were averaging about 5 non elites a pull.  Then a lowbie Hunter friend joins(ilvl 620-630).  She had been there earlier and had issues if she got more then 2.  So we added her and pulled about 7 average.  All fine and dandy.


Next, we did what I LITTERLY call Hell!  We went to do quest in Throne.  The quest suggest THREE!  Ya got a healer, and two decent dps.  Now in singles:  Mobs are annoying but sok.  Issue:  They are RARELY in singles.  Between the chargers pulling extra, the random pats, and the scattered named mobs, it’s a wonder we didn’t die.  It was manageable but the effort I put into keeping us up was like Gold on Endless. 




To the point (Now that you’ve heard me whine abit):


When it says GROUP, consider taking one extra then suggested.  Especially if one or more of you are lacking in the gear department.


Consider Upgrades before starting.  No, really.  Try and get your ilvl to atleast 630 so you can hold your own in the worse of it.  That wont take long:  Between Garrisons, Heirlooms, and a Heroic or two you should get there no issue.  If you are decent with damage and survivability then try 610ish instead if you like.  But on that account most classes wont find viable-Theres just so many mobs clustered together that kiting will make it worse. 


Don’t be afraid to Group.  Seriously.  Go with guildies, friends, Custom groups.  You’ll find PLENTY willing to.  Especially clothies and healers.  Its not a noob thing and you are not fail to do it with others.  By grouping you actually:  Complete faster, increase survivability, reduce the quest and mob traffic (aka respawns and waiting), and probably will make a new friend.  As someone who runs more then a few NON-DPS alts, I enjoy the grouping.  I actually tend to befriend a lot of people that way.  And lets face it:  Its more fun with friends.


Have fun.  We all do it.  You keep dying, the quest will bug, the assholes will roam..  But deep breathes.  No rush.  Just have fun!






Glitchy is GLITCHY!


Not just Tanann either.  WERE ALL Glitched abit now.


So be aware of that.  And.. Try and get a few laughs instead of being like me.. Cursing like a old Seadog..  >>;


I’ve said it before:  I’ll say it again.  Take the time to fix bugs and push back release.  You spend 90% MORE time fixing the bugs after release and we all suffer.  I’d rather wait a extra month then spend a year unable to see my characters head.  And yes.  That happened..




Next up:  Kazzan!


705 Gear, World Boss, Respawns fast like Sha.


Need I say more?  You don’t need to be in group for him-a tap will do but may as well join what ya can.


He requires the new seals and the run-ugh the run-to him is paved with a few elites.  So if there are summons:  ask VERY nicely.  Infact, make a note of ALWAYS asking for summons nicely and THANKING the warlock for them.  Don’t demand and don’t assume you’ll get them.  As seen on Ordos:  If you demand the warlocks tend to make a point of NOT summoning anyone.  Best to make a kind request as you run there anyway. 


Mechanic wise:  You can check the journal but make a point of not standing infront.  Tanks:  Make a point of turning AWAY!  It’s a long ass run from the Graveyard.


Also:  If the boss is over 30% run your ass back.  Don’t expect a rez.  That should give you just enough time to get there.  But dying in first 5 seconds then staying there saying over and over “Rez me.” Pisses people off and makes you look worse then most trolls.  If the group needs you or not, you should still try to help.  That means running back instead of wasting a battle rez and adding your 3k dps to the boss rather then making it take a extra 30 seconds because you didn’t.  All it takes is that extra 5 seconds to be the difference between a enrage timer and a boss down.






Think Assault dailies, but in Tanann.  Same concept, same objectives.  Just keep a eye out for rares and purples!





Battle Pets


Yes, new to catch new to fight!

You have Elites to fight which are a Elite and 2 randoms (that are catchable).  The elites aren’t too bad (I tried a few) with a achieve to beat them all.  I’ll start posting Battle Pet post for those soon I hope!


As for catching:  Theres old and new, as always happy hunting!  May your needed pet always be rare!



Last:  Gear


650 Tokens (Timeless but not BoAs) with a chance at 675 epic drop on random mobs.


OR you can buy tokens for Apexis crystals.  For 20k more, make it 695!  I cant say yay or nay to that..  But melee and hunters-I suggest considering the 695 upgrade for a weapon now, for you that’s the biggest boost in dps.  But that’s all yall.


My real suggestion:  If your ilvls below 630 (you probably still have greens on.. And maybe that one or two crafted, am I wrong?) consider hanging at the Iron Front.  Farm the mobs there.  I personally noticed a higher drop rate of tokens from them then anywhere else.  For me it was a token for every 5 kills.  It’s a GREAT way to boost your ilvl at the least on the easier mobs!



That’s all for now!  Again, so sorry on the wait..


Happy Hunting and Good Luck!



Editted:  July 26

Okay..  I'll admit, Tanaan isn't as bad as my post says but I made this while it was new!

I STILL hate it.  But it is EASIER now.  They nerfed some of the mobs and with the added flying coming soon it'll be less a pain as long as your not after rares.  Prepare to camp those cuz they aren't up long and they aren't announced.

Still cluster F*ck.  Still no like.  Still suggest getting alittle gear before too unless ya wanna group.

Happy?  ><;

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