Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday Filler: Need to Level the Raptors?

You get four hatchlings and they have to get to 25...  Here are some fast ways!

Way one:  Ashlei

It'll take a few days, but 1-9 to start with, and then like 9-12, and then a level or two per fight when using two pets.  If you only use one it'll be 9-12, 12-14 most likely.  All you need is a dragonkin with a heal.  You can see this for the low down!  Don't forget the hat though!

Needless to say, a couple of days could do the trick.

Two:  Grind

This will take time, but it works.  If done in Draenor there is a second Achieve to reach too.

Just take two 25 pets and one hatchling.  And kill 23+ pets over and over...

Three:  Cheat

There is a 45 charm instant 25 stone (You can also get one from any new 100s garrison via a quest!)

Or just 2-3 charm level stones (can get from bags) but if going 1-25 the instant stone will be cheaper.

No matter what you do, get some pet treats, your safari hat, and any other bonus to make this stuff go A LOT faster!  Even 5% adds up fast!

Also, that Pet weekly?  You know a week of 200% increased leveling?!  GREAT time to do this!

But yah, this is 4 free mounts for upping these to 25 and doing a few dailies.  Don't miss out!


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