Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Warlock Artifact for Demonology

Hey, its Halloween Themed after all  ;3

First off, the start before even picking your weapon is AWESOME!  (Love that Lord of the Rings Ref!)

So I started as Demo.  Your new friends sending you on errand runs (Fear not, you can gently take the blood and not kill the stag!  Animal lovers rejoice!  :)  )

Now the Ritual... (Very cool set up btw, it really sets the vibe!)... Its time to commune with the... Head... Thing...  Weapon?

Well all the same convince them!  Naturally, you do.

When you go through the portal... Take the path dont try and skip like me.. Invisible walls caused me to get stuck on a platform... Had to abandon and restart... Dont do it.

Well, the skulls in your reach but that damn Dreadlord takes it and runs as is their nature...

Go through killing gauntlets, do some more killing... Finally reach the demon you need... Rain death on him... He abandons the treasure for his life, running off with the usual smugness... As he flees...

Only a Dreadlord.

Annnd back into the Rift for VENGENCE!  (Not Part of the Artifact Quest... But fun!!)

Man... Thats a fucked up looking heart... Oh, where was I?

Revenge, Check, now friends!

Well, you've taken over this area of the Rift... But what of the others?

Well we get to Rez the Orc... But the others?  This remains unseen...

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