Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hunter Artifact: Titanstrike

BM hunters, embrace your pets with all the joy in the world as you get a SECOND pet to run with!

This one isn't too bad but it has a few spots that can feel iffy.  Before you start this one:

Get your pet in tank spec (There are adds and you'll probably pull threat off the dps growl...)

Grab some food and health pots.  Because its just a safe bet!

Turn your graphics down if you lag... some parts will test your graphics card and cause a couple of spikes.

Get Tissues... You'll see why..

now!  Lets get started.  (i'll limit spoilers..)

Your first part is going to Stormhiem, killing a couple adds, unlocking some doors...  Its pretty quick and easy with most mobs coming to you.

All this being said you'll get to the treasure room thinking "Oh god, this was the EASIEST and QUICKEST quest.."  Hah, your getting trolled... 

Kill a boss and head to *drumroll*  Uldur!  Hah, yap...  This is the real fun.  Help your favorite mecha gnome find your lost weapon by making sure his own machines don't blow everything up!  Ah, but the end part is the most fun... Tehe, but I wont spoil it!

Now, your off!  But where to?  Why to the living Storm God of course!  Throm!  We must not let him die.  Did you know hes a animal lover?  Wolves being his favorite (Knew I liked him for some reason!)

From here you'll kill adds till the boss comes.  Once shes down keep yourself moving to avoid extra damage and toss a few heals your pets way.

Ah, but its all for not, your all going to die but mans best friend saves you *grabs tissues*

But you'll save him by taming him and binding him to the very weapon that tries to kill him...

In the end, that's why the gun gives you that pet!

Well I spoiled it abit didn't I...  Oh well!

1 being easy, 10 hard i'd give this one a 5.  It was decently difficult but if you use your abilities and watch your feet then its a very easy quest. 

Done as BM hunter.

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