Saturday, October 1, 2016

A Stormheim Two-fer!

Ryder and his bear!

You really only need three Mechs, but I highly suggest a Cogblade raptor for the fight.

I started by killing as normal.  As fast and hard as you can.  Blast, blast blast!  Once I'm to my second pet i'll use over tune (if hes faster) and the batter till I'm down.

At this point hes usually about dead.  My last pet is a filler to finish it off.

Be warned, the bear does heal and has some strong attacks.

Anduris and his musken!

Again, three random Mechs.  For this one I did pick some heavier damage.  This one hits like a TRUCK!

So my first pet dies pretty quick.  I like to use this bot for the bomb and then missle as long as I can and reapply the bomb if I live long enough to see it go down.

Next my Iron Star applies a his damage booster, a DoT, and then attacks.  If it looks like gets going to die I go ahead and use explode but I usually don't need it.

My third is what I call the "Mecha-Mop."  Ion Cannon would finish the fight if he did have to come out but due to the recharge and the damage reduction on these pets I don't suggest using that as anything but a last resort.

And there you have it!  Two for one!


Another option!  This pet can actually SOLO!  o.<

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