Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Garrison Money Maker: Large Plots

See also:




Large Plots, the bigguns.  Well ya.  Just giant plots.  Like medium i'll share a few viable options but then only what I really suggest for Gold Farming.

Mage Tower-Farming to get portals and a random rune to stand on for damage boost (only in WoD).  Great for those who like farming mats or something along those lines.

  Dwarven Bunker-Seals, tokens (to use or sell), Ungrade chance increased on gear, scraps to turn in daily or use to by transmog gear (to sell or use).

Barracks-bodyguard and +5 more followers.

My suggestion is Barracks (ESPECIALLY if you got the inn) and a Bunker.  Why?  Once you've completely capped your followers you sell the tokens for about 100 gold a day, plus the daily is 15 gold with a token to sell for atleast 5 gold if you always pick weapon (it sells for more).  Plus Barracks allow more followers to help with those needed in buildings and increase missions you can do!

One down side is you DO need a lot of resources to keep the bunker running but they aren't hard to get.

So that's the end of this part of making gold in Garrisons, stay tuned for part 2:  Followers!


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