Saturday, March 21, 2015

"Quintessence the Light"-Updated with Second Method

As ya can tell from the Screen Shot, this is for "Quintessence the Light".

Above you see my pets and spells used so allow me to explain the method that i've found works.

First, ya need a pet with Call Lightning or a similar spell (mainly, you need that storm weather!)  After that you need stampede type spells.  Since the weather only last 5 turns you have to switch out that first pet after you apply it.

Personally I liked to use Lift off before I used Call lightning since it gave me a avoided heavy attack.  But for the most part your killing with stampede.  Its 3 attacks a turn (6 thanks to the weather) so you just switch out ever few rounds to keep that up and Boom.  You won

Keep in mind critters take reduced damage and rats or rabbits often have the stampede you need!

To prove that it CAN be done without 2 rabbits my boyfriend also did the fight about 5 times with his own team.

As you can see his team included a 21 Hatchling (for storm), a rat (stampede), and a Wrymling for a hard hitting attack to end the fight.  His was abit closer but he sadly didnt have a second stampede.  So he switched it abit.

He got the pet down to about 400 hp so it only took about 2 attacks to finish it off by the time this rat was down.  He also used the Lift off often.

Suggested pets:

Wild Hatchlings.  You can get these in Pandaria and after taming they'll be 20+!  Doesnt need to be rare, green would be best though... Greys have soo little health...

Rats and Rabbits.  You REALLY dont need me to tell you these, i'd try for atleast 23+ if you have to go tame them.  Again, green plus quality.

There ya go, quick easy method to kill Quintessence the Light.  All the pets easy to get if ya dont have them yet!

An alternative Method: 

This ones abit quicker and less switching.  I've noticed its also pretty effective.

Nexus Whelpling and any two other 20+ Magic attack pets.  With the Whelp just use Arcane Storm and Mana Surge.

This is a method I got from a few friends.  Since the nerf its so much easier to kill so over powering IS possible.  So unlike my first approach this one is strictly a blast through.

Happy Hunting!


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