Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Affliction Warlock Artifact

Ahh... Afflic... Lets start shall we?

The fastest way to Duskwood is via that kara port in Dal.  So, Tally Ho!

Yah.. This is like Unholy and Balance...

This time, I went the villian route... Time to escort!

So were at the camp, searching... Its the book but you can look at it all.  When you tap the journal you'll be attack, easy kills though.

Now, grab the compass... (Hey thats different!)  We must attune it with the dead... Spooky.

First, Deadman's Pass and a bit of RP...

Next, the Bridge.

Last the Church.

Hmm... B*tch...  Guess thats who we kill!  Let's turn in and continue the cycle...

Down we go, into Kara... I actually killed as I went.

At the grasping hands I used Demonic gate to get across, but the fel pup works too.

Oooh.. staff.. Of course not.. *seen this too much, thanks Blizz..*

Kill your way up the stairs, through the gates... RP... Watch for spinning staff of doom... RP... Claim weapon.  Turn in.  Hearth away..

Sorry the ends kind of anti-climatic...  But this is the Balance and Unholy Line almost to a T...

Damage was abit harsh, I did it at 110 as Destro so I didnt have a tank out but I had little issue healing through myself. 

I'd give it a 4/10 average for difficulty.

Happy Hunting


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