Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Shammy Restro Artifact Sharas'Dal

Healer Shammy, its time to trade that staff for the old school Mace and Shield that Pallies and Shammies used to heal (Hey, some of the BEST healing weapons were maces).

I wont lie, this felt a lot like a fetch it questline at first. 

First part you can play as a dps or you can use some hexes and forgo mounting for part.

Second part, oh your healing because without some SERIOUS gear you'll get squished.

So you start with a nice ride to everyones favorite zone...  Then you better connect to your inner Sherlock Holmes because you gotta find clues while dodging naga.

You can do this by killing or hexing mobs near your clues.

Also, these clues are around/IN ruins but everything is pretty much ground level.  I say this because one clue appears in a tunnel that it is not and I spent a hour swimming around and up to other tunnels and around the front looking for doors...  THIS one is actually off to the left and around a corner... >>;

Now you got your clues, time for a breath holding swim to the Abysal!  Why? Because surprise Surprise you gotta go in the instance...

Heres where you need to heal.

I wont spoil the lore so here's the jist.  Save your tank and melee dps, you'll have a range dps with you.

Heal your rump off, dispel, and focus yourself then tank then the rest.  You will be spam healing too so don't worry, that's normal.. (I have three shammies, One was geared before this.  I promise, its pretty normal to need to spam heal!)

So in the end you gain your perty weapon!

Done, boom!

Honestly i'd rate this a 6/10 for someone who is pretty use to shammy healing.  It wouldn't be as high if it wasn't for the fact that I tanked a couple mobs (ouchies!) and the nerf on healing power they did to make it more "engaging." 

For someone NEW to shammy healing, 8/10.  This is hard, it hurts...  You will want to spam your surge but you need to try and take advantage of your riptides buff that will oompt the heals, avoid the AoE (It will drain you a LOT faster for fewer results), USE the totems (Your a shammy now!), and try to work in healing wave instead of surge if their over 70% and no one is getting hit like a truck.

But all in all, I got faith you'll crush it with the roaring tides of your healing!


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