Friday, July 15, 2016


Drunk on my part... Kids, don't drink or smoke weed.  It makes the strangest shit funny..  Like these SELFIES I took after Rag...

This was my exact thought process...


"Wait for it..."

*whistles as he turns head*

*The IDK what that sound was face*

For some reason I found this so funny I sat for 2 hours to get it timed right....  I think someone at the factory spiked my bottle of vodka... Or the redbull made me high....
Ya, lets blame the Redbull!
It gave my brain wings!  And I did some crazy crap!
I hope someone else out there has a brain just fried enough to explain why the hell I found this so amusing!  If nothing else, I hope the rambling made you laugh.
*Will not understand why this will probably end up is most viewed post.  But the strangest ones always seem to be!*

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