They should really consider letting us display them in garrisons or something!
To the point though. Blizzard has provided a insane way to relive the epiciness of these hard fought items again. Its called Timewalking!
Putting this out there, the original epics from Vanilla are still useless outside of being cool. (Unless your a tank with a love of threat filled swords).
Thunderfury (60)
(Thank you to Salivan-Wyrmrest Accord US)
This one is low level and strictly suggested for tanks. I have seen people use it all the way up till Cata because of the massive threat generation to it. I personally wont use it in the wrath Timewalkings but I can see it being handy in BC!
Keep in mind, this one will require hours of farming MC and thorium to get. Not for the faint of heart!
Sulfuras (60)
(Thank you to Salivan-Wyrmrest Accord US)

Useless by far. Im sorry but the effect cannot save it. Even the Naxx weapons out bid this awesome piece. Timewalking cant redeem him. Not for the current selections.
The Eye (Raid) Legendaries (70)
These are far and wide but last 15 minutes. So if you want to fight to have your pick of weapon, they might last you a whole of one queue. Perfect for the BC timewalkings. (I guess)
Warglaives (70)
A pain to get both but worth it. These are the most widely known because theres always someone sitting out in the blindfold, shirtless, and carrying these. Its like they been begging for Legion since BC!
Anyway, these aren't too helpful in the Wrath Timewalking but toss a chant on them and rogues or monks can relive the epiciness of slashing goodness!
Thori'dal (70)
Hunters feel the love. Though the most epic part of the bow is no longer a big deal, its still pretty cool to have out. Sadly, if the stats on it aren't your style its no different from your other weapon after the scale down and its use cant be put up into Wrath Timewalking.
Shadowmourne (80)
I have seen this one in action, its badass. I watched my boyfriends dps triple with this one and it really was something. The fact that you can use it for each Timewalking just adds to the joy of it.
Highly recommend for dks (even if your duel wielding), warriors, pallies, ect.
Val'anyr (80)
Great for most healers, I recommend for anyone using solid single target heals such as pallies. I can even see it being useful to druids. The ability creates shields for the cost of a few int. I really do recommend trying it out.
Dragonwrath (85)
I only suggest this highly for dps but if you use the best gems, you might could put it to great use as a healer too. Short of doing the Eye, its your best choice for a legendary.
Fangs of the Father (85)
Rogues get your wings back, these are back in style! Kickass style with killer effects, I recommend these 100% and they carry through every Timewalking.
Legendary Cloaks (90)
Oh we all remember these beauties. Useless at 91 when the proc and wings disappeared, take them for a spin again as they proc up a storm and remind you why you spent the entire expac trying to get them.
Legendary Rings (100)
Current and deadly. I've heard a lot of people say the effect is nerfed when scaled down but the proc still makes it worth it. Besides, its the top ring, are you really running without it?
That's all for now my friends! Till next we meet!