Friday, June 2, 2017

Beach Bodies Part 3 Moderation and Motivation

Look, gaming is great...  But Life is great too, even if it feels like it sucks right now.

You need motivation and confidence to get or keep a nice body... And neither will come in your constantly looking at a perfect avatar with no one to see your work.

So keep in touch to Real Life.  Show off your hard earned smaller waist and more toned looks.

You cant do that while playing 12 hours of WoW sadly...  Ever played for what feels like 3 minutes, done nothing, find out its been 6 hours?  That might be a issue...

If your playing for hours on end the game gets tedious, dull, frustrating... 

So try limiting your time or having days you don't get on.  And then during the off time call friends, go out. do some chores, or keep up the work out. 

Why?  Because the game is great but it cant motivate you!  If I told my guildies I dropped 30 pds, how would they know I'm lying?!  My coworkers would NOTICE but my in game friends will just see my avatar.  Thin as ever.

Also.. Never compare yourself to your avatar, not even the pandas.

These are pixels... Their perfect and meant to appeal.  Even the "Chubby panda" is designed to have most of the weight as curves you'd want (big booty and boobs) atleast for females...  Males... Hope to never be your male panda.

But don't think you need to have a waist so tiny like blood elves, don't think your boobs are too small while looking at the human or pandas.  Guys don't think you need those 6 or 8 packs... Most girls aren't counting and are happy if we can see ribs or beer guts... 

Be the best you, you can be!  Love who you are and strive to be healthy, not perfect like models.  Because that's what will really make you beautiful. 

I know I started this about having that "Beach Body" but honestly, if I said "Lets live healthier!" most of you would of ignored it...  And these steps I've given are a great starting stone towards the true beach body but I really don't think you need.  A little fat can be healthy (key word is little mind you, we all have problem areas that wont give!).

Live long and prosper.


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