Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Let's Level! A How To on Pet Levels

Okay, so I post tips for exp every Saturday when I give the pet battles, but this is a strictly just a helpful guide for leveling your pets!

But, there are few ways to do this.


This is where you take a max level pet and two VERY low pets (like under 5) and slaughter higher pets for exp.

This can be a good method if used in the right way.  But theres also the chance your lowbie wont survive when its brought in, so its not really what I suggest.

Great ways to Power Level:

    The trainers like Ashlei are GREAT for this.  You get SEVERAL rounds of no damage to allow for switching level pets in, plus its VERY easy to solo pet it.  This is what I call the safest and most effective method!

~20+ Mobs.
    Take a 25 pet that's strong to the other pets and just try and work your others in.  Personally, I only ever use this method with pets around level 10, mechanicals, or magicals.  This means it'll take the hit without killing over.


We all know what these are.  They come from the bags, plus you can buy them.  Their just WONDERFUL.  They can get your pet from 1 to 25 in no time if ya get enough.

Downside:  Even if you get the random bag, your paying two charms per.  If you have all the pets, all the toys, and don't care to AH any.  Then I guess these and rare stones are the only thing you really have to buy (outside of Pug costumes).


Use them on 15+ pets to REALLY get something out of them.  If ya have 10 stones, better to use it for levels that require 1k exp a piece instead of levels that only take 2k to get through!  So unless its your VERY last pet, just save a day and get it up abit.

Level alts.  Every alt gets a free instant 25 stone at 100 with L3 garrison.  Not a bad incentive.

Erris.  She gives 3 a day for any, plus a bag.  Its just easy going my friend.

Bags over Any stones.  The any stones cost 3 a piece, bags cost 2 a piece and have a chance to include up to three stones.  Unless you have VERY limited pets to level, what do you thinks the better choice?  Especially with 3 anys from Erris a day!

Don't waste a stone of 500 exp.  If your pets 24 and is over 1/3 of the way into the level, then just level it the old fashion way.  The stones can get expensive, no need to waste.


Simply put:  Take pets that are between 3 levels below or above the pets in the area and fight. 

Its a grind, but it works!

Suggestions over all:

Use the Safari Hat.

Take Advantage of the Weekend Event!

Make sure you hit the easy trainers (Erris and Ashlei) daily!

Be smart with the stones.

Don't stress, have fun.

Well, that's all for this week!  Happy Hunting!


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