Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Garrisons... Are they useless?

Lets be honest.  If you watch the news for WoW you've heard Garrison will be useless..  But if you've kept playing with it-you'll see its not so bad!

In fact, you can make some gold off it still!

JC building-Uuuuussseeeelllesss!  It gives Resources now-no gold!

Salvage Yard-Mostly mats and possible class specific gear (which sells for copper...) 

Gold missions-They be gone!  The gold that is.  I've seen one or two gold missions and they are not that good.  Throw that out the window.

Bunkers-Those armor tokens be shhiiiitttt!  a few copper.

Inscription building-Your lucky.  Its 7 gold for each pair.  Craptastic but it pays for its materials!!

Trading Post-The gold bags were removed that cost Resources... Sadness...  Much Sadness.


Well you can still!

Bunkers-The tokens are crap but the iron scraps can be used to buy the gear still and sell it.  Which is great. 

Missions-Gear Tokens and the raid boxes aren't bad.  The gear still sells for the same and it can help you get some transmog too!

So I wish you luck with saving!

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