Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Darkmoon Mini Post! Getting Tickets

For this week lets talk tickets!

Heres how:  Dailies, Profs monthly, dungeon/pvp/raid turn ins, fishing, and battle pets.

Dailies:  All the games give a ticket or two via the gift.  I'll explain those in another post though.

Profession Quest are any quest that has to do with your Secondary or main professions.
These give +5 skill as well as a nice bunch of tickets.
You MUST be 75+ in the profession to do these.
Most of these require no regs but cooking, tailoring, leatherworking to name a few will require a few mats.  But have no fear, SW and TB are soo close you can easily snag them and turn in after grabbing them!

As a monthly, i'll include the ear quest.  250 ears for ten tickets.  Can only be turned in during the fair.

Quest Turn Ins are another option.  Some come from random instances, others from random PvP, and one from raid bosses.  These can be sold or traded if your are looking for a small profit.  Theres 9 total and only the raid one requires 60+.

Fishing on the isle rewards special fish.  And when turned in toys, pets, and a quest item can be bought.  This quest item rewards tickets my friends!

Battle Pets.  The bags award pets and accessories as well as tickets!  See my post below!

And thats that!  Enjoy the fair!

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