A Blog for any and all World of Warcraft players that like abit of useful info from another casual player as well as some silly posts every now and then to put a smile on your face. Weekly Post include: Current Content with tips and tricks, SELFIE Friday (a jokey post to brighten your week), and a post for Battle Pet Strategies for hardcore and beginning pet farmers.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Pet Guide: Wise Mari
Using Anub and Mech Dragonling! Lets go!
Start with Anub. Sandstorm on CD and spam your Punch!
Next pet? Bring the Mech! Decoy on CD and Brreeaaaath!
Last pet? Breath till dead, use the bomb or decoy if he dives. Once your Mech is down, bring Anub to PUNCH him to the afterlife!
Monday, July 20, 2020
Pet Guide: Blingtron 4000

The Singing Sunflower and Ruby Droplet are POWERHOUSES my friends!
You'll want Photosynthesis and Sunlight on the flower.
Ruby wants Absorb, Bubble, and Drain.
Then a elekk or carry!
For the first pet, use the flowers Sunlight and Photo. Then switch in Ruby to Bubble then Drain. Rinse and repeat till dead.
Second Pet, I just kept my flower in. I used Sunlight on CD and Heal kept up. You can pass or lash between this.
Once you see Bling DIE on the back row from Sunlight (Yay) you can pass (or bring in your carry) till Sunlight is about up. Then bring in your Ruby to Absorb. Once Sunlight is gone Drain on CD and Absorb!
Was a long fight but hey, yah won! It only took.. 122
ROUNDS?! Frick..
Monday, July 13, 2020
Pet Guide: Shademaster Kiryn
Sister of Temptation 1/1/1
Ashstone Core 2/2/1
carry pet with 300+ hp
Pet 1
Sister of Temptation > Curse of Doom > Shadow Shock till Nairn dies (4-5 casts). Stormoen enters.
cast Lovestruck then Curse of Doom (Stormoen swaps, and the CoD hits Summer)
swap to your leveler and immediately swap to Ashstone Core.
cast Crystal Prison then Stoneskin. (They swap).
Pet 2
1. Ashstone Core > Burn till Stormoen dies (around 5 casts). Summer returns.
1. Ashstone Core > Stoneskin > pass > Crystal Prison > Burn X2 > swap to Sister of Temptation.
2. Sister of Temptation > pass > Shadow Shock > Lovestruck > Shadow Shock.
And done!
Strat borrowed from WoWhead by user Roeev!
One of the EASIEST Strats I've seen for this boss with two very easy to get pets!
Monday, July 6, 2020
Pet Guide: Celestials (ALL!)
Moth and Cog raptor!
Reckless, Cocoon, and Storm! Then switch and Expose Wounds. Then Batter with all your might!!
I had a leveling pet that was 17+ but I don't recommend trying to use this.
Snails taking over! Keep Acid up, Ooze as a filler and Dive during Ethereal.
Scratch till she flies up, then Dodge. Scratch again then Burrow. Repeat each time till she flies up!
It'll be a loooonnnnggg fight.. But it works.
Use Storm after he uses Moonlight (its best if done in first round so be slow~)
Switch, Turrent!
Switch! Shock and Awe, then Ion Blast! Hit it again if you need to but he should go down!
That was NOT easy!
Good luck!
Moth and Cog raptor!
Reckless, Cocoon, and Storm! Then switch and Expose Wounds. Then Batter with all your might!!
I had a leveling pet that was 17+ but I don't recommend trying to use this.
Snails taking over! Keep Acid up, Ooze as a filler and Dive during Ethereal.
Scratch till she flies up, then Dodge. Scratch again then Burrow. Repeat each time till she flies up!
It'll be a loooonnnnggg fight.. But it works.
Use Storm after he uses Moonlight (its best if done in first round so be slow~)
Switch, Turrent!
Switch! Shock and Awe, then Ion Blast! Hit it again if you need to but he should go down!
That was NOT easy!
Good luck!
Monday, June 29, 2020
Pet Guide: Taran Zhu
I used two moths.. It was close! You REALLY want a moth with 300+ speed and another with a high attack and 270+ speed.
Moth Dust on CD, cocoon as needed and Alpha like crazy!
They will switch constantly due to sleep and a switch ability so don't fret and keep calm!
Good luck!
Monday, June 22, 2020
Pet Guide: Chen Stormstout
Bunnys!! Having 322+ speed is VERY helpful!
Start with Elekk, soak the first attack by using Itching for a Stitching.
Next use Flurry, Burrow, Dodge, Flurry till dead the first ones dead.
Flurry, Burrow, and Flurry, flurry, dodge! Then Burrow when ready. Continue till this pets dead.
Next pet, Flurry, Dodge , Flurry, and Burrow when hes ready to toss a barrel. Now Flurry with burrow and dodge on CD to avoid barrels!
If your first rabbit dies then just replace and move to next step.
It might get close if RNG is in a mood but sometimes you can do it with ONE rabbit.
Good luck!
Monday, June 15, 2020
Pet Guide: Wrathion
Anub and Scourged Whelp, ho! With a Leveling/Elekk!!
Use Sandstorm on CD for the first one and spam Crush. Use Deflection to avoid Ice Tomb and Elemental Bolt.
If you die before a Elemental Bolt hits, soak it with your Elekk or Leveling.
With Scourge Whelp I use Tail Whip over and over! Your undead, even if you die you should be fine as long as you kill it before you go down for good.
Good Luck!
Monday, June 8, 2020
Pet Guide: Whispering Spirit
I use Anub. Idol and Emerald Whelp (or Green Proto), both easy enough to get!
Starting with Anub till he dies start with Deflect and then Sandstorm. Keep both on CD to save yourself from moth dust and reduce hits from the moth balls!
Once the moth goes down you can avoid using Sandstorm and just Crush or use it, your call but Deflect on CD still!
When Anubs down switch in your Leveling pet (if using one) and then to the Whelp!
Sleeping Gas, Presence, Gas. Repeat this, if you hit 50% health use Dream instead of Presence.
Rinse and Repeat.
It will take time but you'll out last so just keep it up!
And there yah go! :D
Good luck!
Monday, June 1, 2020
Pet Guide: Burning Spirit
A Flayer and a Wretch do WONDERS! AND you can use ANY pet to level or a elekk! (I suggest a L10+ or 1k+ health to eat the tornado that may or may not hit)
Using flayer till it dies. Blitz your target and try to deflect the fly attack, tornado may hit it off but its okay as long as the Flayer gets you to the Spirit.
Once Wretch is out Attack as a filler, Keep Consume on CD and use your Consume Magic the moment your 200 below and have a debuff from either. The healing should save yah all through~
Good Luck!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Pet Guide: Courageous Yon
Set for a leveling pet or Elekk Plushie achievement!
You'll want a Nexus Whelp and Cog raptor.
You'll use Storm then Surge then switch in the elekk or L17+ to soak damage while it resets for two rounds.
Storm again and Surge should be set to go again. Keep it up till dead
Same thing, When the goat starts the Cud ability switch in your elekk. The raptor should use Overtune if slower then the rabbit or goat and then Batter till reapplying is needed. If you cant soak the Cud with a leveling pet then have repair as your third option and use it right before the raptor dies to keep yourself up.
And boom!
Good Luck!
Monday, May 18, 2020
Pet Guide: Ti'un the Wanderer
Next up!
I like to use a raptor, the Falcosaurs are a fav!
Start with your Swarm and then Strike! Then just Savage and Strike on CD. If you see another chance to reapply Swarm then do (you wont hit when hes shielded.)
I solo'd him with the one raptor but I got a lucky crit.
Your second pet needs to be a magic or a strong flyer with a strong single attack.
If you wanna use a leveling pet, pull it out during a shield phase. If its a magic one then try to absorb a pump but the pumps aren't used on CD, he buffs with it and randomly uses it but the attack is a near 1 shot on a 25 raptor, so oof..
Good luck!
I like to use a raptor, the Falcosaurs are a fav!
Start with your Swarm and then Strike! Then just Savage and Strike on CD. If you see another chance to reapply Swarm then do (you wont hit when hes shielded.)
I solo'd him with the one raptor but I got a lucky crit.
Your second pet needs to be a magic or a strong flyer with a strong single attack.
If you wanna use a leveling pet, pull it out during a shield phase. If its a magic one then try to absorb a pump but the pumps aren't used on CD, he buffs with it and randomly uses it but the attack is a near 1 shot on a 25 raptor, so oof..
Good luck!
Monday, May 11, 2020
Pet Guide: Seeker Zusshi
Time for a Panda land Pet battle!
I use a Basic Frog and a Fox with a L18+ Pet (Beast, Flyer, or Magic is best)
Frog Kiss and Heal (After Round 3) on CD. Then Water jet as a filler.
Keep this up even if it switches, Frog Kiss is OP and strong!
Bring out your Leveling pet to soak Pumps (or while sleeped). If your using a beast, use on the snail (don't let it die!) if its a flyer, save it for Skitter.
Use your fox once the Froggo dies. Use your dance if your slower and Crouch to soak damage.
And just go go go! And your set.
I use a Basic Frog and a Fox with a L18+ Pet (Beast, Flyer, or Magic is best)
Frog Kiss and Heal (After Round 3) on CD. Then Water jet as a filler.
Keep this up even if it switches, Frog Kiss is OP and strong!
Bring out your Leveling pet to soak Pumps (or while sleeped). If your using a beast, use on the snail (don't let it die!) if its a flyer, save it for Skitter.
Use your fox once the Froggo dies. Use your dance if your slower and Crouch to soak damage.
And just go go go! And your set.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Guide: Get Some Chopsticks! (Guild Achievement)
Lets start back simple.. a Guild achievement!
This achievement requires you to cook 7500 recipes as a guild! But is your guild not active? Maybe a Alt guild? Still possible! As a altoholic I was up 5k+ just from leveling cooking but if your not.. heres a way to do it quickly.
First, pick a food item that requires 1 ingredient. Then Buy, Fish, Farm, or kill for it. I highly recommend doing a fish one like the Toasted Fish Jerky from the Golden Carp and the Shrimp Dumplings. Just fishing in pools for the shrimp can get you both and works towards several achievements!
Zen Master Fisherman
1000 Fish
The Old Gnome and the Sea
(Part of) Pandarian Angler
Turtles All the Way Down
Guild Achievement: That's a Lot of Bait AND Pandaren Angler (guild one!!)
All for working on ONE achievement!
That being said, you need 7500 fish if you go this route. It wont be done in a day, but if you aim to get 100 a day, you'll be done within 3 months. But all the while your working on those other achievements as well. If your guild is semi active, try to get other guildies involved!
Now you have the stuff to cook.. How long will it take?!
If your using a fire, it last 5 minutes and you can cook about 135. That's 56 fires built, or 4 hrs and 45 minutes worth of cooking!
That's a LOT of cooking!! So if you split it up day by day, i'd do that..
Naturally the buff food aint too useful now unless you eat it while leveling but you wont need much so i'd go ahead and vendor. So.. yay gold? You'll be looking at atleast 900 gold or more depending which recipe you make! Not a bad chunk.
So find you a podcast or a fun story list to enjoy and hop to it!
This achievement requires you to cook 7500 recipes as a guild! But is your guild not active? Maybe a Alt guild? Still possible! As a altoholic I was up 5k+ just from leveling cooking but if your not.. heres a way to do it quickly.
First, pick a food item that requires 1 ingredient. Then Buy, Fish, Farm, or kill for it. I highly recommend doing a fish one like the Toasted Fish Jerky from the Golden Carp and the Shrimp Dumplings. Just fishing in pools for the shrimp can get you both and works towards several achievements!
Zen Master Fisherman
1000 Fish
The Old Gnome and the Sea
(Part of) Pandarian Angler
Turtles All the Way Down
Guild Achievement: That's a Lot of Bait AND Pandaren Angler (guild one!!)
All for working on ONE achievement!
That being said, you need 7500 fish if you go this route. It wont be done in a day, but if you aim to get 100 a day, you'll be done within 3 months. But all the while your working on those other achievements as well. If your guild is semi active, try to get other guildies involved!
Now you have the stuff to cook.. How long will it take?!
If your using a fire, it last 5 minutes and you can cook about 135. That's 56 fires built, or 4 hrs and 45 minutes worth of cooking!
That's a LOT of cooking!! So if you split it up day by day, i'd do that..
Naturally the buff food aint too useful now unless you eat it while leveling but you wont need much so i'd go ahead and vendor. So.. yay gold? You'll be looking at atleast 900 gold or more depending which recipe you make! Not a bad chunk.
So find you a podcast or a fun story list to enjoy and hop to it!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Im Baaaaack!
Miss me?!
Yap I've got WoW again and im here to screw around and share content again <3
Naturally im VERY behind so give a girl some time!
For starter: New schedule!
Mondays-Guides and Advice!
Wednesday-Classic Talk! (Oh hell yah, im here!)
Friday-Screenshots and Questions!
Streaming: Oh yah, im streaming weekly!!
Friday: 9 PM-12 PM Eastern - Guild Raid Classic
Sunday: 9PM-12 PM Eastern - Guild Raid Classic
I'll randomly raid during the week doing ZG!
Some Saturday's i'll stream RP with my guild on Classic starting at 6:30 PM Eastern
For right now these are the only PLANNED streams but i'll do retail, Sims, and Art through the week.
Find me on Twitch.tv/kiritawindwalker
I look forward to making up for lost time, I've missed you all! <3
Yap I've got WoW again and im here to screw around and share content again <3
Naturally im VERY behind so give a girl some time!
For starter: New schedule!
Mondays-Guides and Advice!
Wednesday-Classic Talk! (Oh hell yah, im here!)
Friday-Screenshots and Questions!
Streaming: Oh yah, im streaming weekly!!
Friday: 9 PM-12 PM Eastern - Guild Raid Classic
Sunday: 9PM-12 PM Eastern - Guild Raid Classic
I'll randomly raid during the week doing ZG!
Some Saturday's i'll stream RP with my guild on Classic starting at 6:30 PM Eastern
For right now these are the only PLANNED streams but i'll do retail, Sims, and Art through the week.
Find me on Twitch.tv/kiritawindwalker
I look forward to making up for lost time, I've missed you all! <3
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