I'm sorry I went ninja afk...
Been so busy trying to build my business I barely have time to draw for myself even, let alone play WoW...
I honestly haven't got to enjoy the Argus content or anything I've been too busy to even game, which sucks, I miss playing WoW not just drawing...
I hope that by the end of the year if not before I can get back into the game so I can continue posting.
Till then I'm opening up the site to other blog writers or wanna be bloggers that wouldn't mind donating content in the form of screenshots, post, or even videos so I can post something during this time while I try and get my hectic life under control.
Naturally i'll give you 100% credit and my thanks for the help during this time.. If I could afford it i'd even offer a small tip or payment but I'm struggling as it is.
I'll try and post again next month with atleast a update.
Thank you to the loyal readers who've messaged me and are still here to read this, I'm so sorry I fell off the deep end.